Images of Recovery: An interactive webinar and discussion on community recovery following Hurricanes Ian and Idalia | February 15 @ 1 P.M. Eastern

February 15, 2024

Past experience and literature have shown that impacts from natural disasters can affect long-term recovery in communities, including the personal, social, behavioral, and mental health aspects of daily life. In this upcoming webinar, Dr. Angie Lindsey will share information about an upcoming photovoice research project aimed at addressing long-term recovery needs that are integral in the disaster management process including preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery. In photovoice projects, researchers can identify pertinent post-disaster issues, needs and gaps, pinpoint areas of growth in disaster recovery, and connect individuals and communities with resources that will allow them to maneuver past the adversities that can remain stagnant from disasters.

We invite you to join us for this session to share your community’s recovery story and learn more about this photovoice project, so grab a camera and join us for this great discussion!


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