Dr. Tracy Irani, SCCAHS Outreach Core Director, hosted a meeting with colleague Dr. Tom Bernard from the University of South Florida’s NIOSH funded Sunshine Education & Research Center. They were pleased to share about several upcoming and past events, as well as affiliate faculty opportunities and a new webinar series. In addition, the center hosted its first State of the Science meeting about heat-related illness on October 25/26, 2018 in St. Pete Beach, FL. Irani and Bernard summarized and reported findings and future directions from the SCCAHS Heat-Related Illness State of the Science Meeting.
SCCAHS Community Stakeholder Advisory Board Webinar_Heat-related Illness Recap from PIE CENTER on Vimeo.
[button color=”#FFFFFF” background=”#ff8f00″ size=”large” src=”https://www.sccahs.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/CSABwebinar_November_18_Irani_general.pdf” target=”_blank”]Download the slides[/button]
[button color=”#FFFFFF” background=”#ff8f00″ size=”large” src=”https://www.sccahs.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/EHI-Response-Guideline-20170728.pdf” target=”_blank”]Heat illness response guidelines[/button]