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Emerging Infectious Diseases
Community Health
A day and a half training aimed at providing Florida State Agricultural Response Team (SART) team members and partners, first and direct Responders, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS) employees, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension faculty and staff and other community members active in disasters the skills needed to address mental health needs and issues following disasters. Trainings will be held in several locations throughout the state.Training will include Mental Health First Aid – A one day 8-hour training developed by the National Council for Behavioral Health to provide attendees with an understanding of mental health, and how to support those with mental health challenges. A half-day will include reporting research in this area and sharing of Best Management Practices. Training will be taught by UF/IFAS Researcher and Certified Mental Health Workers.Registration will open on February 1, 2019 at For further information, please contact: Angie Lindsey
SCCAHS recently sat down with SCCAHS researcher and Dean at the School of Nursing at Emory University to discuss her research on heat stress and the biomarkers of renal disease. McCauley and her team evaluated the body temperatures of Florida farmworkers and tested various pieces of clothing that could potentially keep body temperatures down.McCauley also shared her concerns about the cost of potential life-saving equipment, the industry adopting the use of the equipment, and policy related to intervention. Tune into the video to learn more from McCauley about the project.