The Rural Women’s Health Project (RWHP – serves immigrant farmworkers and rural communities in North Florida by strengthening their understanding of critical health, occupational, and family issues. With support from SCCAHS, RWHP worked with Madres Sin Fronteras to conduct training programs for 24 farmworker women in the local area on domestic violence and reproductive health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the RWHP provided and evaluated COVID-19 information in the form of audio, video, and print materials in various indigenous languages, including Spanish, Kiche, Mam, Mixteco Alto, and Q’anjob’al. Through a SCCAHS-facilitated collaboration with Walgreens, RWHP also hosted vaccination clinics for farmworkers and rural communities in the North Florida area. At one vaccination event in Marion County, more than 100 horse farmworkers were vaccinated.