Mississippi State University Extension professionals began the PROMISE Initiative (Preventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast) in 2017, with funding from USDA. The PROMISE Initiative seeks to fight the growing opioid epidemic using a multi-phased approach to prevent prescription opioid misuse in rural Mississippi. Within a year of receiving their initial grant for this work, they began to narrow their intervention focus from just rural areas to farmers and farm families. With data emerging on high rates of substance misuse, mental distress, and high suicide rates among farmers, this pivot was a “no-brainer.” Since then, the organization has engaged in a range of activities in this area, including producing an award-winning film that documents the stories of four farmers navigating the challenging nature of the agriculture industry. On June 29 at 11 a.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Central, Dr. David Buys will present on the journey of making this film and its value since being released.