Young adults working in agriculture will likely face new challenges related to climate change, such as wearing PPE in hot conditions or modifying chemical inputs to address shifting conditions. This raises the importance of agricultural workers being able to interpret PPE from pesticide labels, don/doff PPE correctly, and store and care for it. In this webinar, you’ll hear about the development of a 360 training video to be implemented in the Gear Up for Ag program offered by the Ag Health and Safety Alliance™ (AHSA). The program’s primary focus is on pesticide handling, and this webinar will focus on a new 360° video describing the donning/doffing of common pesticides-related PPE and its storage and care created through a partnership between AHSA and Mississippi State University (MSU) faculty. Join the webinar to hear OP McCubbins, MSU Associate Professor and national expert in 360° video production, share about the design, production, and distribution of this visual technology.